Sharron Krull

Sharron is a passionate, enthusiastic, and playful teacher who is always learning from the children and makes it her business to help you set your inner child loose!
As an author, college instructor, and early childhood specialist for 42 years, she travels worldwide conducting staff training seminars, workshops, and keynote speeches
sharing developmentally appropriate curriculum activities and resources. Sharron has been trained in the HighScope® Education Through Movement Curriculum,
I'm Moving I'm Learning Program, and The Head Start Body Start National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play.
(925) 980-8353 or

Workshops & Keynotes

Oodles of Art!
Explore and learn about lots of "really cool" new art materials, unique paints, and collage stuff that will develop children's sensory awareness and expand their imaginations. Whether you're "artistic" or "artistically challenged," learn how you can provide a stimulating art environment that will spark children's creative energy and joy for art.


Successful Circle Time
Circle time, also called group time, refers to any time that a group of children are together for an activity. It's a special time to share fingerplays, chants, and rhymes; sing songs; play rhythm instruments; read a story; and participate in movement games and relaxation activities. Circle time is also a wonderful time to develop listening skills and attention spans, promote oral communication, teach new concepts and skills, and have FUN.


Ice Sculptures
Ice Sculptures are a really "cool" way to explore water in all its physical states.
Big kids (including parents) all the way down pre-schoolers will love this
hands-on activity.