This 75 minute video features Sharron Krull leading children through 35 different activities in a "live and unrehearsed" circle time
DESCRIPTION: For early childhood education and the preschool environment, circle time is an important and valuable opportunity to promote child development, learning and
just having fun. This 75 minute DVD features Sharron leading a group of children through over 30 activities, live and unrehearsed. In addition, Sharron discusses the
philosophy, value and how to's of circle time. So, not only do you hear the reasons and research, you see it put into practice by a leading expert. Sections of the
DVD include the philosophy, rhymes, games, songs and finger plays. Suggestions for warm-ups and cool-downs are also shown. The smiles and actions of the children in
this DVD underscore just how great Circle Time can be! Included with each DVD is a booklet with all of the words to the activities seen.
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Mother Goonie Bird
Music and movement activities are great for learning and development. This group of children are being led through the fun activity, Mother Goonie Bird smiling and learning their body parts.
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Hickety Pickety
Using a simple prop, Sharron has fun at circle time with this name game favorite!
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Hello, Hello, Hello Sir
A circle time favorite, these kids are having fun with this interactive activity.
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Circle Time Outline
Learn exactly what you will see on the DVD, Circle Time.
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Circle Time Introduction
Circle time, rug time or gathering time. Whatever you call it, listen and watch as Sharron discusses the philosophy and value behind the learning and development opportunities at circle time.
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